Violence Prevention
The links and documents on this page lead to violence prevention programs, initiatives and resources in Massachusetts and nationwide. Many of the links originated from MassHousing's 2009 Community Services Conference on Violence in Housing.
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Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Initiatives
- Casa Myrna Vazquez
- Jane Doe, Inc.
- Minnesota Center against Violence and Abuse
- National Coalition against Domestic Violence
- National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women
- National Sexual Violence Resource Center
- Partnership Against Domestic Violence
- Sex Offender Registry Board
- Stalking Resource Center
- The Network/La Red
- Victims Rights Law Center
Preventing Partner Violence
- Addressing Sexual and Domestic Violence in Housing Communities
- HUD HAP Contract
- HUD VAWA Conforming Amendments
- Mass. DPH Violence Prevention & Intervention Services
- Massachusetts Domestic Violence Programs
- Massachusetts Rape Crisis Centers
- Memo: Domestic Violence Priority Status
- National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty VAWA FAQs
Children, Elders and People with Disabilities
- Child Witness to Violence Project
- Jane Doe, Inc.
- Mass. Disabled Persons Protection Commission
- Mass. elder abuse on rise (Boston Globe)
- Massachusetts Department of Children and Families
- Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs
- Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance
- Things I Have Seen and Heard
- Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute
- Urban Violence in the Commonwealth
- Youth Violence Prevention Programs